Friday 7 February 2014

Vitamin D3, Iodine and Cancer.

Vitamin D3, Iodine and Cancer.
The liver has many cell and one of them are the Kupffer Cells. Kupffer cells, also known as Browicz-Kupffer cells and stellate macrophages, are specialized macrophageslocated in the liver lining the walls of the sinusoids that form part of the reticuloendothelial system(RES) (also called mononuclear phagocyte system). They eat unwanted bacteria, virus and cancer cells.
If the liver is not functioning properly, then you have a greater potential for cancer.
According to  Dr. Bob DeMaria, One of the most important item to prevent cancer is apoptosis. Apoptosis is the process of programmed cell death (PCD) that may occur in multicellular organisms We are led to believe that lack of gene function is the main reason for all diseases. The American cancer Society will tell you that the main cause of cancer is altered DNA.
The two elements that's important is iodine, Iodine is just not for the thyroid gland. Iodine is for the breast tissue, ovaries and testicles.
Iodine keeps cancer cells in check. The average Japanese woman consumes 12 mgs of iodine a day. from sea vegetables and fish . Not Soy.
Just because we are recommending to take iodine, does not mean that you go to the chemist and start taking iodine. What must be considered is a TSH,T3 and T4 blood test for the thyroid. If your T4 is less than the mid line we can supplement it with iodine.
You can also do a Urine iodine loading test. We ask them not to take any vitamins or supplements for 4 days. Then we take a sample of their urine. After we give them 50 mgs of iodine. For the next 24 hours we collect their urine and see how much they excrete through their urine. They should excrete 95% of it, Most only excrete about 62%, which proves that the body is holding on to the iodine. This is the most scientific way to test them for iodine deficiency.
If you take too much iodine too fast then you will have bromine, fluorine and chloride flowing in from your body. Bromine comes from hot tubs,fluoride comes from toothpaste,Chlorine comes from your water in the hot showers. Chlorine compromises thyroid function.
If you do not have enough iodine then you will not have the gene that stops cancer cell production.
Second item is Vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 and Iodine works hand in hand to hold cancer in check in the human body.
What have you been advised to do for the last 30 years?
That is to stay out of the sun. The sun is your friend. Nothing is Mother Nature is harmful to us. Sun light helps with moving the calcium from the blood into the skin. If you use Organic oils in and on your body you will get calcium to your skin and the sun won't bother you. Vitamin D3 come from the sunshine mingling with your cholesterol in the skin to creates vitamin D3. Its the greatest statin drug in the world, coming from the Sky which converts cholesterol in your skin to vitamin D3.
Vitamin D 3 absorbs calcium from your body and carries it to the blood stream, it also keeps the gene in check that prevents cancer. If your Vitamin D3 level is lower than 20% then you have to supplement it by taking 2000 - 4000 iu a day. We all need to be exposed to the sun. Even if you are darked skin or work in the sun, and not exposed to direct sunlight can bring about D3 deficient.
Applying suntan lotions will not prevent cold sores, but can make you D3 deficient and cause Cancer.
D3 makes your liver function improve and also helps your bowels to move better and prevent toxins from building.
The liver makes bile, bile is your soap, it acts like an emulsifier, it is stored in the gall bladder, When you have the gall bladder remover the vertebra in the back in the region of where the glall bladder was, starts to shift to the left. And the nerves in the neck effects the diaphragm from contracting properly and this effects the muscles in the neck from moving properly. Bringing about a misalignment to the spine and neck and stress to the body, coupled with the lack of bile the body is left in an acid state and there is a metallic taste in the mouth.
Now you find it hard to digest certain bitter foods and herbs that are good for the digestive system and one of them is radish. If you are female and have pasty bile you will also tend to have high oestrogen and suffer tender breasts with heavy menstrual flow, with little bronzing of the skin, which can be accompanied with spider veins, haemorrhoids and varicose veins, and little red bumps on the body. If a Man has these little red bumps this also means too much oestrogen in the body.
Inside canned foods is a substance called BPA a resin , it has oestrogen in it. When, the food is heated in the can the oestrogen from the lining of the can goes into the food and then you consume it resulting in raising the oestrogen in the body.
We are exposed to oestrogen in many ways, eg; the water we drink, food we eat, no wonder why we develop so much cancer. So many are duped in the belief that because there is cancer in the family they are prone to developing it themselves and so recommended to have their breasts removed. When all that should be recommended is to watch what you eat and drink and have as much organic as you can afford, and help to keep the liver function to its optimum. Eat fresh raw fruits and vegetables daily, 1/3 of a cup of beet juice or grated beetroot in the salad, minimise or eliminate trans fats, Ladies, if you suffer heavy menstrual flow tender breasts, work on optimising liver function to help heal themselves. Just think of the many women who are butchered by undergoing ablation, because of excess oestrogen, when all they have to do is make a few health choices to life and living. Some due to not enough information from their GP and gynaecologist are driven to have their uterus removed to cure the heavy bleeding.

You need iodine for the liver and thyroid to convert T4 into T3. Excess T4 will make a person oestrogen dominant and they put on fat as a result. For this convention to take place you simply need iodine.
D3 and Iodine