Water...the meaning of Life.
Compiled by Nelson Brunton
When we are Born our body is approximately 75-80% water. By the time we reach adulthood we loose approximately 10% of our body’s fluids, and by the time we enter old age, we have lost about 30% of our body fluid. A fruit plucked from the tree is fresh and juicy, filled with collagen. This same fruit in time gets, wrinkled as it looses it collagen. The same reason, why we get stiff, wrinkled and suffer pains in the body as we get more and more dehydrated and into an acid state.
Water is highly involved in the functioning of your body as it carries nutrients to cells, allows for proper digestion, and flushes toxins from our major organs. So by replenishing the loss of water in your body, results in better functioning.
Drinking clean, healthy unadulterated water is extremely important for our health. The cleaner and unadulterated the water is, the better hydrated and healthier we will be. The sad truth of the matter is that man has interfered with this gift of nature by adding chemicals to it, and lying about it's health benefits after being tampered with. If this is the truth, then why is the Bottled water industry flourishing? Why is everyone walking about with a canteen of water, instead of drinking tap water as we did in the past?
Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958) made an extraordinary contribution to knowledge of the natural world. He comprehended what we now recognize as the quantum or subtle energy effects of water. His understanding was built up from shamanic and experiential observation of Nature in the untamed Alpine wilderness. His motto: "Observe and Copy Nature". At this time he predicted that if we continue as we are, in time we will be paying more for drinking water than we pay to fuel our cars. Who would have believed it?
Thanks to the experts, as a consequence of their continued intervention and insults to Mother Nature, we have polluted the water ways, Ocean and rivers. What a dreaded state to be in, all in the name of progress and professional advice by WHO, U.N, big Phama’s, World Banks, and now new on the horizon, Codex Alimentarius, who are adding pain to injury.
Another fact to consider is that as we age we lose bicarbonate. A noticeable decline begins at the age of 45, and by age 90, we lost 18% of bicarbonate in our blood. Bicarbonates are the alkaline buffers that neutralize the acidic waste in the body. A reduction of bicarbonate triggers the onset of acid-induced adult degenerative diseases, but by adding bicarbonates to the blood, we can delay the ageing process and prevent age-related diseases. E.g. Arthritis, change in Blood pressure, High Cholesterol, Diabetes, Heart problems, Kidney malfunctions and Stones, Low energy, Mal-absorption, Obesity, Osteoarthritis, and many other related problems.
All foods that produce acid in the body are foods that are not good for the individuals metabolism. In order to maintain a constant Blood Ph, the body will call upon the reserve calcium in the bones and teeth to buffer up the Ph 7.35 to 7.45. The real reason for stone formation in the Kidneys, Gall bladder and the decline in calcium, reserves in bones and teeth, causing brittle bone syndrome and osteoporosis. [Line Break]The other reason for disease and aging come from all the food we eat, this gives us energy through the process of oxidizing; and then afterwards, they become acidic waste. Since our body naturally does not get rid of all the waste produced, it accumulates in various parts in the body. This accumulation of non-disposed, acidic waste is the real cause of disease, distress and ageing. Some example
Drinks that are full of sugar, or that are fizzy create a lot of acid and fermentation in the body. According to Dr J. H. KELLOGG, M. D. AcidDyspepsia. — Acidity or sour stomach, is a very common result of the use of sugar in its ordinary form, or in the form of candy and sweetmeats etc. Under the action of certain germs, sugar is converted first into alcohol and carbonic acid gas, and later, the alcohol is decomposed into acetic acid and water or vinegar. It is in this way that vinegar is made from cider, wine, and other sweet liquids. When taken into the stomach, sugar undergoes this same change. The first symptoms of this form of fermentation in the stomach are eructation's of gas and distension, this is due to the alcoholic fermentation. Sometimes months or years may elapse without the appearance of other symptoms, but sooner or later the stomach will become sufficiently disabled from frequent distension and the overstretching of its muscles to prevent the prompt discharge of its contents, and the longer retention of the food substances within the stomach will give opportunity for the acetous or acid-forming and fermentation. The symptoms of this are soreness and burning at the pit of the stomach and sometimes vomiting or regurgitation of sour liquids.
According to Dr Leigh Connealy, Sugar in the body feeds cancer cells by causing fermentation. Fermentation is due to a lack of Oxygen, and cancer is an ‘Anaerobic’ process. Fizzy drinks and artificial sugar and sweeteners are believed to be the cause of about 95% of cancers. Exercise is an ‘Aerobic’ process and the increased intake of Oxygen will reduce cancer by 50%.
A simple way to Alkalize can be achieved by adding a teaspoon of Sodium Bicarbonate to a glass of water and drink daily. You can also add the juice of half a fresh Lemon and 1 teaspoon of rock or sea salt which will make the drink more potent. But this is only by choice and personal taste. This mix will assist you in the burning of fat in the body and calm aches and pains in the joints.
Before you go on criticizing the use of salt just think, our body needs salt to make blood. Table salt is the domestic poison, rock and sea salt has thenecessary minerals to feed the tissues of the body and maintain optimum health and loosening of your bowels.[Line Break] In Japan they drink a lot of Kangen
Seawater is primarily composed of the following salt ions and is listed in order of descending abundance by weight:
Chloride (Cl-) 55.03%, Sodium (Na+) 30.59%, Sulfate (SO42-) 7.68%,Magnesium (Mg2+) 3.68%, Calcium (Ca2+) 1.18%,Potassium (K+) 1.11% , Bicarbonate (HCO3) 0.41%, Bromide (Br-)0.19%, Borate (BO33-) 0.08%, Strontium (Sr2+)0.04%.
Although the salinity of sea water varies worldwide, the relative proportions of its constituent ions remain constant, however, this does not mean that the same is true for salt of marine origin.
Is drinking water good for weight loss?
There are a lot of claims and studies out there about how drinking water will help you lose weight. The simple truth about this statement is that if you are drinking water, you aren’t drinking higher calorie sodas and beverages that contribute to your weight. Substituting high calorie drinks with water will reduce the amount of calories and sugar you take in throughout the day. The more you drink, the more you will urinate, and every time you empty your bladder, you are loosing essential minerals. It is the lack of minerals that weaken and age the body. A lot of the symptoms we suffer is due to the lack of minerals. Here is a lesson, to control the amount of fluids we consume, and the amount of vital fluids we loose.
The Power of Words Over Water

Can water be affected by our words? Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese scientist, believes so. And he has proof...
Dr. Emoto took water droplets, exposed them to various words, music, and environments, and then froze them for three hours. He then examined the crystal formations under a dark field microscope as well as taking photographs. The results were totally mind-blowing.
Dr. Emoto and his team study water from different sources of the world including water that was effected by music, image, television, thoughts of a single person and a group of people, prayers and words typed or pronounced in different languages etc. Emoto discovered that there was a significant difference between crystals that listened to Beethoven and heavy-metal. Words "angel" and "devil" form structures that are similar and completely opposite at the same time.
Another belief is that water has memory, and it never forgets, since your body is approximately 70-80% water, be mindful of the memory you carry.
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