Thursday 4 June 2020

Consider Spice as Medicine

Consider Spice as a Medicine
When we talk about spicy food we are usually referring to chilli and other seasonings and condiments such as turmeric, cumin seed, mustards, hot tomato sauce, salsa, chilli pickle, etc. Spicy food is not only good for loosening nasal congestion and turning up body heat but it also has numerous health benefits. Let’s take a look at the different types of health benefits of spice and spicy foods.
Number one, spicy food helps in fighting a cold. Among spicy foods, chilli pepper is the best to pick to fight common cold problems. Chilli peppers are full of vitamins like A and C and contain Capsaicin. Capsaicin is an active component of chilli peppers and activates the mucous membrane of the nose and it opens nasal passages and reduces sinusitis.
Number two; spicy food fights against cancer. Studies have shown that “capsaicin and chillies
s and other plants of that group slow down the growth of cancer cells” by inducing apoptosis or programmed cell death. Capsaicin slows the growth of deadly tumours and kills off leukemic cells. People suffering from leukaemia produce uncontrolled amounts of white blood cells in the blood and this overproduction of white blood cells disrupts the normal function of the blood. Chilli peppers along with turmeric and mustards work as a powerful anti-cancer drug in the body. An epidemiological study has shown that humans of Indian and Mexican descent have lower rates of some cancers. The phenomenon has been associated with their taking in foods rich in capsaicin.
Number three; spicy foods are good for cardiovascular diseases. As previously stated, chilli peppers contain the chemical compound capsaicin. Capsaicin fights against inflammation. It also reduces the bad cholesterol LDL in the blood. Capsaicin improves the body’s ability to dissolve blood clots by working against the inflammation. Capsaicin also reduces the risk of stroke and heart attacks. Dr Ziming Zhu states that spicy flavours reduce the urge to take salt which in turn contributes to the lowering of blood pressure. A study has claimed that the intake of chilli peppers along with ginger and turmeric widens the arteries.
Number four; spicy foods improve the digestive process. Spice increases the hydrochloric secretion of the stomach. It also improves the mucous lining as well as killing off H-pylori and other bad bacteria in the gut.
Number five; spicy food can lift your mood. By increasing the secretion of feel-good hormones like endorphins and serotonin and staving off stress and depression spicy food benefits our mental health. So, the next time you are in a low mood try having something spicy and check in with how your body responds.
Number six; studies have shown that capsaicin has a thermogenic effect on the body which results in the body being able to more easily burn extra calories resulting in weight loss. Capsaicin also induces the feeling of satiety which in turn contributes to consuming fewer calories.
Number seven; spicy food can assist in relieving the pain of the body. Capsaicin can inhibit the signals that are sent from the nerve cells to the brain. It targets the brain chemical called Substance P. This chemical plays a significant role in injuries and deadens the sensation of pain felt in the body. Capsaicin is also used in certain pain-relieving creams to reduce the burning sensation of painful sores.
Number eight; some spices can provide relief from arthritis pain. Turmeric, garlic and cinnamon are all effective in reducing the joint inflammation in those suffering from arthritic conditions. The chemical compound found in turmeric is called curcumin. Curcumin is responsible for the alleviation of pain associated with arthritis. Cinnamon and garlic have also anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
Number nine; a 2010 study published in Future Oncology Journal stated that capsaicin can work against the growth of prostate cancer. The prostate gland helps in the production and transportation of the male’s seminal fluid and sperm. Patients with prostate cancer can have erectile dysfunction and may have difficulty in urinating. The good news is that like other anti-inflammatory foods and drugs, capsaicin can help in suppressing prostate cancer.
There are so many health benefits to eating spice and spicy food. So, the next time you are suffering from a cold or are in pain or just want a little mood boost to consider eating some spice instead of reaching for a tablet. You may be surprised at how your body responds!

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